Our Partners

The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) includes interagency collaboration as one of the five primary practices in successful transition programming.
While we know how hard it can be to find and access the information you need, we are developing partnerships with top quality professionals that offer a variety of services and supports. We strive to connect our families, our educators, and our community partners with one another in an effort to enhance the effectiveness of our efforts to improve student outcomes. The resulting partnerships extend outreach and educational activities to more diverse populations, allow for information sharing, and help to assure that evidence-based best practices about education will have broad reach and impact our local communities.
To learn more about our partners, please visit their websites below.


Glades Hendry Transition Interagency Council Facebook page

Highlands Interagency Council website

Treasure Coast Interagency Transition Council Website

Interagency Council of Brevard website


To learn more about the other agencies we partner with, please visit their websites below.

Florida Diagnostics and Learning Resources System Website

CARD Website

Florida Inclusion Network website

Project 10 TransitionEducation Network Website

Vocational Rehab Website

SEDNET Website

Center for Independent Living Website

CareerSource of Florida Website

Problem Solving and Response to Intervention Website

TLC-MTSS website